Sunday, January 6, 2013

SNAP Week 1 Day 1

We are starting out the week by having family and friends over for lunch today, 10 adults, 2 middle schoolers and 1 toddler.  Still in the holiday spirit, we had planned this in December-The plan was to have this lunch last week, but the toddler was sick (of course opening his post holiday gifts was going to be the main attraction of the day).  So we postponed a week, today is the day!

Living on SNAP poses problems that others may not have to even take into consideration.......having people over, eating your food.  How often do we say to friends and family, "come on over we will throw some chicken (or steaks or hamburgers or fish) on the grill" big deal, right?  Well, on SNAP that would be a long hard decision for a family to make.

Chef Frank has considered his options for the week.......I think we have a good plan, not only for todays gathering, but for the next several days.  Later this evening I will be posting our grocery purchases and menu choices, meals from today, along with some insight as to the how Frank came to his decisions.

One thing I did do to help stretch our money for the lunch party today was ask our daughter to bring sodas that they would drink, ask my friend to bring her wonderful mac and cheese for one of the side dishes and ask our grandma to make her yummy brownies for dessert. 
Everyone pitching in, isn't that what life and love is all about anyway!

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