All Indianapolis Public Schools students will get a free breakfast, lunch and snack of fresh fruit or vegetable starting this fall and continuing for the next four years under a federal program the School Board voted Tuesday to join.
Superintendent Lewis Ferebee said providing every student with a meal will improve health and increase focus in the classroom. Too many IPS families, he said, lack access to fresh food in their neighborhoods.
"Hunger and having a healthy lunch and breakfast should not be a barrier to teaching and learning," Ferebee said. "It's our mission to remove every barrier to teaching and learning. I don't want a stomach growling. I don't want somebody thinking about lunch or breakfast.
"We want to make sure our students are healthy and well fed so they can learn."
Funding for the free meal program comes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Community Eligibility Provision of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. For a school to be eligible, at least 40 percent of its students must qualify for free meals. A grant covers the meal costs of students who don't meet the requirements for free meals. Under the program, families are not required to fill out applications.
This year, 77 percent of the 30,800 IPS students qualified for free meals based on their family income. Just 18 percent of students, or 5,500, are required to pay.
Reaction to the new program was swift Tuesday night. More than 100 readers commented on the Star's Facebook page.
"Excellent," said Hannah Rideout Dodson. "So glad that so many children will have one less worry on their mind when they are trying to learn and make a future for themselves."
Yet others questioned why their tax dollars would support the program.
"Don't rely on taxpayers to feed your kids," wrote Holly Fuller Watt. "Parents shouldn't rely on free lunches and always looking for free handouts."
In the past three years, the Community Eligibility Provision has been rolled out in 4,000 schools in 11 states, according to the USDA. Nationwide implementation begins in the 2014-15 school year.
Other Marion County schools offer free meals to some students through various other programs.
The board also approved expanding all-day preschool by 200 students this fall at 13 elementary school across the district, including School 60 and School 44.
Currently, IPS has about 700 4-year-olds in 11 schools that offer preschool classes. School 102 is the only exclusive preschool building in the district.
Last year, the former IPS administration announced plans to expand its preschool program and enroll 1,400 children. But the plan was reduced because of budget concerns.
Ferebee maintains the district does not have a $30 million deficit as district officials previously believed. The $2 million program expansion will be funded by Title I federal money that the district has flexibility in how it's used.
Expanding opportunities for children to attend preschool has been championed by many local education advocates. They say too many children are starting school without basic skills, such as knowing the alphabet and being able to count.
Indiana was one of only nine states without a state-funded pre-K program until the legislature passed Gov. Mike Pence's pre-K pilot program in March. The program would provide $10 million a year in vouchers for about 1,000 low-income children to attend preschool. It's still unknown which counties will be part of the pilot.
Earlier this month, Day Nursery Association of Indianapolis announced a pre-K collaboration with two charter schools. Starting in August, Day Nursery will operate two full-day, full-year classrooms of 20 students at the Phalen Leadership Academy on the Near Northside and the Vision Academy at Riverside on the Near Westside.
Also on Tuesday's the board approved the 2014-15 academic calendar. The start date is Aug. 4 and final full day of June 9, 2015.
Call Star reporter Eric Weddle at (317) 444-6222. Follow him on Twitter: @ericweddle.
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